George RR Martin Says That Quarantine Is Helping Him Finish The Final "Game Of Thrones" Book, He Has Failed Us Again

(NYP)--Author George R. R. Martin says that the coronavirus quarantine has helped him make “steady progress” on “The Winds of Winter,” the long-awaited next installment in his “Game of Thrones” book series.

“If nothing else, the enforced isolation has helped me write,” Martin, 71, says from a mountainside cabin in a post on his website. “I am spending long hours every day on ‘The Winds of Winter,’ and making steady progress.”

However, he clarifies that this does not mean that the tome will be published, say, next week. “It’s going to be a huge book, and I still have a long way to go,” he writes, although he hopes that by 2021 “both COVID-19 and ‘The Winds of Winter’ will be done.”

Oh yeah, George? You're making progress, big guy?

I could just be in a bitchy mood, but this bothered me. Bothered me a lot. This fucking guy started the series in 1996. He published his last book in 2011. What the fuck have you been doing all this time, man? George RR Martin has been sitting around with his thumb up his ass and the rest of us has to watch the biggest, most anticipated battle scene in TV history be shot in the fucking dark. We had to see Westeros be turned over to the fucking creepy kid from the past and the future who speaks in riddles and have none of series finale be even remotely satisfying. And, at the time, George RR Martin said that he too was unhappy with the finale. I remember hating the final season so much that I vowed to read the book. You know what would've been a PERFECT time to read that book? During a fucking global pandemic where we are all locked in our own Castle Blacks with nothing to do except look at a long winter of nothingness. I would've LOVED to read that book. I might have started a virtual book club. Instead, George says that he used quarantine to write. Not all of it though. He still needs more time. More time on top of the year since the HBO show wrapped and a DECADE since his last book was released in 2011. This guy fucking stinks. Get to work, George. Or don't. I don't care anymore. Nobody is going to care about this book or those characters again in a year. He missed his chance to rule, just like Jon Snow.

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